November 1, 2019
What some do not realize is that Donald J. Trump is The Great White Hope of many in this melting pot that we call America. If you have been wondering why anyone would support such an unruly person as Mr. Trump, you can wonder no more. Trump is doing what many white Americans have been wanting to do for some time. Mr. Trump is stopping the progression of equality, and he is declaring not only white supremecy, he is also declaring Trump supremecy.
It was clear to me some time ago that white America was unhappy with the way things were going when it came to minorities in this country. For one thing, there were lots of grumblings about black people getting away with everything, while whites were called out for saying the smallest thing negative about blacks. Whites were also angered by the Black Lives Matter movement because white lives mattered also--thus the All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter slogans were created to counter Black Lives Matter. Whites also felt like they were forever giving something to black people and blacks were still asking for more--shouldn't they be doing better on their own by now? They also didn't care for the way so many foreigners were coming into the country and changing the way things looked and the way things were done. Too many people walking around in strange clothing, too many people not speaking English. Foreign communities popping up all other the place. It was just getting to be too much for white people.
Then along comes Mr. Trump, who is willing to say and do anything and not give a damn who doesn't like it. Mr. Trump, who had no plans to play nice-nice, and didn't mind telling black and brown people to go back where they came from. The fact that almost 100% of what comes out of Mr. Trump's mouth is a lie does not seem to matter at all, because Mr. Trump is doing what a chunk of white America wants done. Mr. Trump is also rolling back some of those gay rights, which makes many religious groups and others very happy. And with those conservative supreme judges sitting on the bench, there is not much chance of gay rights making any more advances any time soon. Mr. Trump also had the nerve to criticize former President Obama, including calling him the worst president ever--this is something many agree with. So, although Mr. Trump's personality and ways of doing things may not be viewed favorably, he is still doing what many want done. He is putting white America first, and to hell with the others.
It is still hard to understand why some things that Mr. Trump says and does go unchallenged, even for die-hard supporters. But I can only conclude that the dislike for non-whites and equality is much stronger than the dislike for anything that Mr. Trump says and does. Only time will tell if anything brings Mr. Trump down from his great white throne. Not likely, but we shall see.
--©Rosalin Moss Say It With Roz November 1, 2019