Some Black Folks Are Just As Mean As the MEGA Crowd

It behooves me how some Blacks are so bent on bringing down the democratic party.  Justifying their actions, based on the fact that they haven’t yet gotten reparations and their conclusion that the democratic party has done nothing for them.  They are also mad because certain bills were not passed into law under the current administration.  And when it comes to Vice President Kamala Harris running for President, their venom is just as vile as what the MAGA crowd spews. 


To the YouTube influencers that promote division, encourage hatred, and lead your audience to do the very things that harm them, shame on you.  You folks that never have anything positive or educational for your audience are not right.  Some things are more important than “Likes”, “Subscribers”, and “Monetization”.  You never encourage people to register to vote.  You never tell people how important it is to research the candidates so they can make the best choices at the voting booth.  They do not explain to their audience how government works and how it is their job to get the right people in Congress.  You do not tell your audience how important it is to vote in all elections, especially local elections.  You just promote division and hate.  Causing your audience to mumble and grumble but do nothing to help themselves.  In the meantime, you are cashing in on their participation in your promotion of victimization.


To you Black folks that are so full of yourselves, full of hate and entitlement, and full of ignorance, you need to educate yourselves and stop listening to these self-serving YouTube folks.  And that goes for me too.  I have said many times, do not take my word for it.  Do your own research.  When I see a Black person say “I like Trump policies.  What’s the problem?”, I find it hard to believe that that person has done any research.  And when I see a Black person be willing to let a dictator take over the country by doing nothing at all, I know that person has not done any research.  When I see all the hatred for Vice President Harris, it is hard to believe these are Black folks.  Talk about racist hatred!  They can sure fit right in with that MAGA crowd.  No sense in trying to have a civil conversation with these folks either.  Just like the MAGA crowd, these folks are unreachable.  They don’t want to hear nothing you have to say because they have already made up their minds to be against the truth, against reality. 


I have concluded that it is best to leave those who harbor such hatred for democrats and America to themselves.  Let them wallow around in their bucket of ignorance and let them keep each other pumped up with victimhood.  There is nothing anyone can say or do to change their point of view.  Leave them to themselves.




--Rosalin Grace

Say It With Roz

August 13 2024