I have really tried to be
respectful of our current President, but time and time again he proves
himself to be the most disgusting person I have ever witnessed.
The things he says in public about fellow Americans is too despicable
for words. The funny thing is that everything horrible he says
about other people, those things are really a description of himself.
The one word that keeps coming to my mind when it comes to this man is
"sinister". Disgusting really does not describe him adequately.
He is beyond disgusting. The man is very, very good at being nasty
-- although he has a habit of calling others nasty. I can see why
the upper crust never accepted this man. He certainly does not
have any class. It amazes me how some people hurl accusations of
sour grapes over the 2016 election at Democrats when they criticize this
man. As if there is nothing to dislike about this President!
It is quite unnerving to watch this person tell lies about every single
thing. It is even more unnerving to watch him do a boomerang on
whatever criticisms he receives, turning things around as if others are
guilty of the the things he himself is guilty of. One thing is for
sure, according to my observations, whatever this man accuses others of,
you can bet money that he is doing those things himself. On the
flip side, whatever he claims he is excelling at, you can bet money that
he is, at best mediocre, or a total failure. I did not think it
was possible, but I was SHOCKED when he declared that he was an
"extremely stable genius"! Oh, my goodness! Who would ever
say that? Other than an extremely unstable idiot? But I
don't believe he is an idiot at all. He is too good at some things
to be an idiot. I do not believe he is a genius either. No,
he is not a genius, he is sinister smart. The kind of smart you do
not want to take notice of you. Perhaps that explains the sound of
crickets from the right.
--Rosalin Moss Say It With Roz June 7, 2019